Eila Valtanen, MH, eMBA, Kuhmo Mayor (2004–2017)

Wooden school solved indoor air problems

The decision to build the largest wooden school in Finland required courage from the decision-makers. We have been forerunners in public wood construction and it will be easier in the future as we gain more experience. When the process of creating new began, decision-makers were prudent in a healthy way, but that was the path we wanted to take and there have been no regrets about it. Students and teachers have given the best feedback saying how they enjoy their new working environment. I distinctly remember when a young student at the opening ceremony told how they are in love with the new school.

It is important that we can provide children

A healthy learning environment

One of the reasons for building the new school was the indoor air problems in the old building. The restoration of the school would have been too expensive. There is a clear trend of indoor air issues in Finland and for us, a wooden building was the solution.

Climate impact of wood construction increasing

Wood is future

We can achieve high-quality indoor air, good acoustics, and an atmosphere for all buildings utilizing wood. The impact on regional economics of wood construction is significant. Wood construction represents the future by offering solutions to climate change by binding carbon throughout its whole lifecycle. Younger generations have understood this and that increases the will to use wood as construction material.

Tuulikki Huusko, Project Manager, Woodpolis

The goal was an ecologically sustainable school

I have worked towards advancing the wood industry in Kuhmo for a long time and our goal was to see actual results in wood construction. When they prohibited the use of the old school due to indoor air issues, planning of the new school began. Wood was the natural choice for the new school, and when Crosslam Oy began manufacturing CLT solid wood panels in Kuhmo, it supported our decision.

This school is also special for its

Successful architecture

Our goal was to build a school that is safe, healthy, aesthetic, as well as ecologically and technologically sustainable. Once we defined the objects they guided us through the project.  

This school is also special for its successful architecture. Wood is used beautifully in this large building, and what is even more special is that the trees used here are grown locally by the mothers and fathers of the children in the school. This is a fantastic and elegant building and I look forward to seeing the stories that the time will display on these walls.